Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Website on Weebly

Throughout my propfessional life I have had very little (none really) experience with creating and communicating via websites. Yes of course I have looked at, searched through and used many different websites to gather information.

The initial set up of my website via Weebly I found to be very easy even for a novice like myself. Instructions were clear and simple. To visit my website please go to At this stage it is a basic set up with a page added to it.

The following SWOT annalysis is concerned with the use of using self created websites within the classroom.


  • From my first experience they are easy to create, update and maintain.
  • Allows students to experience and use technology.
  • Students are able to collaborate their learning through the open communication a website offers students.


  • Not all schools have access to a computer or the internet. Whilst this problem is becoming less and less it still exist.
  • Students may be more interested in "playing" on the computer rather then "learning".
  • The lack of class time students get to use school computers.


  • Improve communication between teacher, student and parents.
  • Teacher can offer support and advice on any problems a student may be having with their work (assignments, homework and general work).


  • Lack of funding from government and therefore lack of computers in classrooms.
  • Required support from home to use such a technolgy.

Overall I see the use of websites within the classroom as a positive thing. It allows students to experience and use technology first hand. The only concern that I have is that all students have access to it.

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